Research limitations/implications â The investigation is based on a self-reported cross-sectional analysis, and it is specific to a single industry and the procurement of one type of material. A basic premise is that a firm's performance can be explained by how effective the firm is in using information technology (IT) to support and enhance its core competencies. Challenges involved in forming an e-supply chain are also briefly mentioned as a separate section in this paper. This involves five themes of People, Process, Work Environment, Technology and Service Providers. he relationship between investment in information technology (IT) and its effect on orga- nizational performance continues to interest academics and practitioners. In addition, this study also proposes a nomological network for organizational CQ models that sheds light on the role of organizational CQ and the underlying mechanism of the relationship between organizational CQ and organizational performance as well as intermediate performance outcomes (international performance). Direct procurement is a process to acquire resources that go into building the actual product or service the business is offering. However, supply chains to indirect material suppliers were not usually included due to low transaction volumes, low product values and low strategic importance of these goods. Achieving excellence in procurement requires the development of distinct capabilities, because the management of core purchasing activities and the integration of procurement in the supply chain are not complementary. This method of procurement is also called: Limited Bidding and Selective Tendering. The results also show that information sharing and information quality are not impacted by customer uncertainty, technology uncertainty, commitment of supply chain partners, and IT enablers.Moreover, a discriminant analysis reveals that supplier uncertainty, shared vision between supply chain partners and commitment of supply chain partners are the three most important factors in discriminating between the organizations with high levels of information sharing and information quality and those with low levels of information sharing and information quality. Advantages of traditional procurement Disadvantages; Client control over design process. More specifically, information sharing has widely been regarded as an essential tool to coordinate supply chains activities in order to overcome supply chains dynamics. This paper aims to give an in-depth analysis of BPM and Web services in the context of C-Commerce. It aims to cover two gaps in the operations management literature: the missing links between procurement capabilities and the performance of a firm, and the role of internet resources in shaping such links. The architecture and design of the system presented in this paper are based on a service-oriented architecture and on a three-tier enterprise design pattern. Our research quantifies both the operational and strategic impacts of electronic integration in a B2B procurement environment for a supplier. Our goal is to assess the strategic and operational benefits of electronic integration for industrial procurement. We then developed a multidimensional e-commerce capability construct, and after establishing its validity and reliability, tested the hypotheses with empirical data from 114 companies in the retail industry. This study proposes a Web-based e-procurement impact model based on supply chain orientation, which includes both operational and strategic impacts. Role of management capability and web-enabled direct procurement in creating competitive direct procurement advantage, Examining the Role of Procurement 4.0 towards Remanufacturing Operations and Circular Economy, E-tendering readiness in construction: An a priori model, On-line reverse auctions in construction industry, e-Tendering Readiness in Construction: An A Priori Model, Theory development in China-based supply chain management research: A literature review, Capabilities Driving Competitive Advantage in New Product Development: Coordination Capability, Absorptive Capability, and Information Technology Capability, Managerial capabilities of information technology and firm performance: Role of e-procurement system type, Successful Use of e-Procurement in Supply Chains, The partial least squares approach to causal modeling: Personal computer adoption and use as an illustration, Dependence Asymmetry and Joint Dependence in Interorganizational Relationships: Effects of Embeddedness on a Manufacturer's Performance in Procurement Relationships, EDI Adoption and Implementation: An Examination of Perceived Operational and Strategic Benefits, and Controls, Enabling the benefits of Supply Chain Management Systems: An empirical study of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in manufacturing, Strategic Purchasing, Supply Management Practices and Buyer Performance Improvement: An empirical study of UK manufacturing organisations, Core Capability and Core Rigidities: A Paradox in Managing New Product Development, Organizational and Interorganizational Determinants of EDI Diffusion and Organizational Performance: A Causal Model, A resource-based view of strategic alliances and firm value in the electronic marketplace, EDI, XML and e-business frameworks: a survey, Effect of Information Systems Resources and Capabilities on Firm Performance: A Resource-Based Perspective. Specifically, while high embeddedness motivates adopter strategic use, low embeddedness deters such use. Dedicated information systems for streamlining indirect goods supply chains have emerged since the late 1990s and subsequently have faced a broad diffusion in practice. This study provides a general framework within which to assess the application and development of theories in the Chinese SCM context. Important advantages claimed of centralization are : 1. Reply Results show that joint dependence enhances the performance of procurement relationships for manufacturers and that this effect is partially mediated by the level of joint action and the quality of information exchange between the partners. Data formats and e-business frameworks are important standards for e-business. For this particular paper, 15 semi-structured interviews were conducted with representatives from different functions related to both pre- and final assembly activities. Often, procurement is divided into two categories: direct procurement and indirect procurement. This study adopts a resource-based view to investigate the impact of direct procurement management capabilities and information technology (IT) capabilities derived from Web-based direct procurement systems on competitive advantage. Considering the associated costs and limitations to achieve full information sharing, partial information sharing may be more practical in real-life applications. Two new concepts about core capabilities are explored here. Future research directions and contributions to theory are provided. Of course not. Decision Support Systems, Accessing Information Sharing and Information Quality in Supply Chain Management. Prices are more transparent, maverick buying (purchases that occur outside of an organisation's guidelines) is avoided, businesses can easily use preferred supplier networks, and there is better balance of power between buyer and seller given that information is muc⦠Rather than focusing solely on dependence advantage and the concomitant logic of power, we focus on joint dependence, which operates through a logic of embeddedness. Attorney Firms need to find a proper fit between their own information technology (IT) capabilities and IT systems in order to enhance performance. Nowadays, many organisations have not made the move to e-Tendering or they dont practice e-Tendering fully. Strategic purchasing also had a significant effect on the use of socialisation mechanisms, but not on supplier responsiveness.