Incapacitating conditions that limit the patient’s performance of oral procedures (e.g., Parkinson disease) also adversely affect the prognosis. While the orthopedic tests performed on {'title'} {'l_name'} were essentially negative for pain on the final examination, it has been documented he/she has had continued pain and an altered lifestyle as a result of the previously described injuries. Comparative examinations, including X-rays, should be made periodically to evaluate his/her improvement and to determine the actual degree of post traumatic pathology and disability, if any. In my opinion, the above described injuries are causally related to the above described accident. Similarly, patients diagnosed with diabetes must be informed of the impact of diabetic control on the development and progression of periodontitis. Bacterial plaque is the primary etiologic factor associated with periodontal disease (see, Epidemiologic evidence suggests that smoking may be the most important environmental risk factor impacting the development and progression of periodontal disease (see. It should be recognized that good, fair, and hopeless prognoses in this classification system could be established with a reasonable degree of accuracy. Prognosis definition, a forecasting of the probable course and outcome of a disease, especially of the chances of recovery. Medical state is a term used to describe a hospital patient's health status, or condition. This patient has made sporadic improvement, obtaining progressive general relief of symptoms. In the vast majority of cases, the prognosis for depression is good. Prognosis can be divided into overall prognosis and individual tooth prognosis. In view of this, and to facilitate the healing process, I plan to keep {'title'} {'l_name'} under treatment and observation for a minimum of ______ days. The subsequent pain causes muscles supporting the injured area to go into spasm and to splint in an effort to immobilize the area and relieve pain, in addition to acting as a protective mechanism to keep the area from further possible aggravation and re-injury. Although some factors may be more important than others when assigning a prognosis1,2 (Box 33-1), consideration of each factor may be beneficial to the clinician. Extraction of severely involved tooth to preserve bone on adjacent teeth. It is the opinion of this clinic that {'title'} {'l_name'} has reached maximum medical improvement. Since the white is produced at a greater rate than the yellow the normal yellow/white ratio is thrown off resulting in a less than optimum ligament. With this in mind, treatment should be continued. Chronic periodontitis in systemically healthy, nonsmoking 60-year-old male; overall prognosis is good. {'title'} {'l_name'} 's response to treatment has been gratifying at times and disappointing at others. It follows that the prognosis in these cases depends on patient compliance relative to both medical and dental status. Comprehensive periodontal treatment and maintenance are unlikely to prevent future periodontal breakdown. At this point in time, it is my opinion that the prognosis for {'title'} {'l_name'} is poor. However, due to the nature of the injuries traumatically induced and the reduced functional capacity manifested as a result, it is likely that the areas of injury may remain areas of greater risk of future injury. The patient’s systemic background affects overall prognosis in several ways. The injury to the spine resulted in a stretching and tearing of the paraspinal ligaments. Nerve root compression has caused radicular pain. The determination of the level of clinical attachment reveals the approximate extent of root surface that is devoid of periodontal ligament; the radiographic examination shows the amount of root surface still invested in bone. Any general prediction. Poor prognosis : 50% attachment loss, Class II furcation involvement (location and depth make maintenance possible but difficult). Studies have demonstrated that a patient’s history of previous periodontal disease may be indicative of their susceptibility for future periodontal breakdown (see Chapter 4). Mild arthritic changes are expected as a result of these injuries. These factors are determined by clinical and radiographic evaluation (see Chapters 29 and 31). Hopeless prognosis: Inadequate attachment to maintain health, comfort, and function. Prognosis definition is - the prospect of recovery as anticipated from the usual course of disease or peculiarities of the case. In addition, patients should be informed that smoking affects not only the severity of periodontal destruction but also the healing potential of the periodontal tissues. At this point in time, it is my opinion that the prognosis for {'title'} {'l_name'} is fair, with residuals. I was delighted to have had the opportunity to accomplish structural correction for {'title'} {'l_name'} . It is felt that the patient has reached a plateau in the effects of treatment at this time however it has been noted that if the patient breaks in the regular routine of treatment the symptoms return and at a much greater level of pain and discomfort. The injuries he/she sustained, particularly the disc injury certainly reduced the quality of his lifestyle. Historically, prognosis classification schemes have been designed based on studies evaluating tooth mortality. It is fair to say, he says, that two-thirds of people will be dead within that range. It is likely that the areas of injury may remain areas of greater risk of future trouble from aggravation and trauma which may not have had the same effect prior to the accident.