... best green moscow guppy for sale, Blue Green Moscow guppies for sale, Blue Green moscow guppy for sale | Leave a comment. ), White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Rummy Nose Tetra, Harlequins, Corydoras, Dwarf Gourami, to name a few. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! Get the best deals for purple moscow guppies at eBay.com. This Guppy was swimming in one of our planted aquariums, when our DrTom snapped this picture. The minimum order quantity (MOQ) is shown just before the «add to basket» button, or it will be shown as soon as you pick the desirable fish size in the dropdown menu. Green Metalhead Cobra Guppy Green Moscow Guppy Half-moon Green Guppy. They all arrived alive and appeared to be healthy. When you purchase pet fish from us, you know you're receiving premium quality fish and premium quality service. We never see fish like these in the live fish stores or in the online stores that we visit. Fancy guppies (Poecilia reticulata) are very hardy and undemanding in aquaria and the usual freshwater tropical set … Green guppies are a rare color of guppy and, when you do come by a green guppy, the price is usually on the expensive end. and peaceful tetras. Send Request. MOSCOW GUPPY STRAINS FOR SALE BLUE / PURPLE HAWAiiAN MOSCOW [Discontinued] Young adults shown – 4 / 5 month old Hawaiian Moscow is related to the Japanese and German Moscow strainsbut has been developed and improved by Hawaiian guppy breeders,larger body, faster growing with more true blue color, including blue heads.Depend on lighting condition and angle,… A good diet and proper guppy care help them to achieve the most vibrant colors. Description. Request Price. Species – Green Moscow Guppy – Poecilia Reticulata. Get the best deals for guppies at eBay.com. $45.00. I was originally only going to pick up the HB Blues but when I saw the Purples/greens i couldn’t not come home with them. How can you find show quality fancy guppies? Free shipping for many products! Good tankmates are other small peaceful species such as dwarf corydoras, small rainbowfish such as Iratherina werneri or Pseudomugil sp. "Beautiful fish, I asked for color and aquariumfish delivered. Get the best deals for moscow guppies at eBay.com. Open for Visitors - Monday, Friday & Saturday. Description. We also offer lots and lots of information about keeping pet fish, all from the knowledge of the Bailey Brothers, who have a combined total of 100+ years of experience as breeders, wholesalers, and retailers of pet fish! We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! The dark spot at the rear of her abdomen is actually her babies. These are the closest to the IFGA standards than any other Blue/Green Moscow’s available today. It is also known as the 'million fish' owing to its rapid reproductive trait. GUPPY MASCHIO MOSKOW GREEN (9) Attualmente non disponibile - Avvisa quando diventa disponibile. Green Cobra Guppy. Click here to shop online for Male Guppies. The guppy with live happily with other fish but their long flowing fins can often prove too tempting for some Tetras and pretty much all Barbs. They are: Make sure that the gravid female is not stressed by or being harassed by other fish, especially male guppies. Related Videos. Guppies have a wide temperature range and will happily live at room temperature in most houses. Click here for information and advice about how to keep and care for Fancy Guppies. 1:10. Get latest info on Guppy Fish, female Guppy, Rainbow Fish, suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, traders, wholesale suppliers with Guppy Fish prices for buying.