He noted that Scott Dam currently is impassable to salmonids, so one of the key considerations is providing fish passage over that dam is to the upstream habitat. They proved very popular, and the first 500 are out in … The map on the right shows the footprint in the headwaters of the Eel River outlined in a lighter color white with the Russian River watershed in the orange color to the south. Scope/Content: Abstract: National Marine Fisheries Service's biological opinion for the Army Corps of Engineers' Matilija dam removal project. They have proposed to ‘modify’ Cape Horn Dam; Mr. Mierau noted that they settled on that term ‘modification’ to encompass either removal of Cape Horn Dam or some kind of modification of the fish passage facilities because if a better water diversion facility infrastructure cannot be determined to replace the current Cape Horn Dam infrastructure, they will leave Cape Horn Dam in place and instead likely make significant upgrades to the fish passage facilities to enable passage of salmonids, lamprey, and other fish. Mr. Renger noted that in June, the Department as well as many other agencies and interested parties submitted comments on the relicensing study. “They receive it as it is abandoned from the project but it’s not under a water right. n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)}; The second phase of that feasibility study is currently ongoing. Then partway through that, PG&E announced that they were withdrawing their license application so the parties had to contend with that and decide what to do. We cannot guarantee that Matilija Dam Removal book is in the library. At the time, removal was projected to cost $300,000. The IFRMP is currently a work in progress; it is facilitated by Environmental Social Systems Analysis or ESSA. The Klamath River Renewal Corporation was stood up in 2016 shortly after the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement was signed. The second phase is continuing to understand the implications of the project plan that has been proposed. {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? It's located in California, United States.DAM REMOVAL HAS BEGUN AND THE ROAD HAS BEEN BLOCKED OFF. Matilija Dam; Photo by Zack Abbey San Clemente Dam, Klamath Dams, and Matilija Dam removal spotlighted at ACWA Conference. Even from the conceptual stage, it was not clear that the dam would serve those ends. This project will develop designs to protect and restore fish habitat and coastal wetland ecosystems in the Ventura River watershed. “Kudos to the State Water Board for doing that, it was a huge undertaking and a major part of this removal project.”. He provided a general overview of what they are trying to accomplish, noting that he is not a member of the Executive Team and so there may be some questions he won’t be able to answer. At Cape Horn Dam, the water enters the hydropower tunnel and then transfers into the Russian River basin, coming out the powerhouse at the foot of the flume to generate hydropower. YOU MAY WISH TO CONSULT DETAILED "ALTERNATIVE" MAPS BEFORE ATTEMPTING THIS EARTHCACHE! Cape Horn Dam, the more downstream of the two dams, does have a fish passage facility. As a result, Humboldt County, Sonoma Water, Mendocino County Inland Water and Power Commission, the Round Valley Indian Tribe, and Cal Trout formed the Two Basin Partnership. Building on this theme the Matilija Coalition just designed and printed a short run of stickers. We had staff up there a couple weeks ago, it had very limited capacity to begin with. LB Nye . Scott Dam forms Lake Pillsbury and stores about 75,000 acre-feet of water collected from winter and spring snowmelt and runoff. 1A) In May of 2020, the project received a new 401 certification. These field studies are the first tasks in the Matilija Dam Removal 65% Planning Design Project funded by the $3.3M California Department of Fish and Wildlife Proposition 1 Grant received in May 2017 . Similar to the Klamath dam removal project, they are looking to establish a new regional entity that would eventually hold the FERC license. Additional core samples will be collected from the dam itself, in order to assess the current state of the concrete and provide data for the structural analysis of the dam removal project. Matilija Dam Removal. Matilija Dam was built in 1947, driven by farmers and ranchers in the nearby Ojai Valley, who wanted it for flood control and water supply. Ventura, CA 93009 The funding has already been acquired and it is in the preliminary to intermediate design phases right now. Matilija Dam Removal Project Date: Subject: Background Review Concept Matrix Concept Name Reference USBR 2000. But the water has developed an economy around it for a hundred years. Removal of the Matilija Dam has the potential to provide much-needed sediment to the Ventura River Lagoon […] In 2017, CDFW funded Matilija Dam Removal 65% Design Planning Project. matilija dam removal Peter Sheydayi is the Deputy Director for the Ventura County Watershed Protection District which was formed in 1944 as the Ventura County Flood Control District. "The removal of Matilija Dam would just be a real game changer for the river, for the community and for the coast," he said. Would Sonoma Water Agency just be out of luck? The alternatives discussion in the SEIR will evaluate alternatives considered as a means for lessening or avoiding any potentially significant environmental impacts of the proposed Project. Prior to the construction of Matilija dam, Matilija Canyon was an actively used recreation area with a productive steelhead fishery. removal of Matilija Dam therefore has the potential to rejuvenate coastal beaches with a portion of the 6 million cubic yards of sediment stored in the reservoir site U. S. Society on Dams, 24 th USSD Annual Meeting, March 29-April 2, 2004, St. Louis, Missouri The FERC license for the Potter Valley Project is set to expire in 2022, so in 2017, PG&E initiated its integrated licensing process for relicensing the project, but then in 2018, withdrew the application. Darren Mierau asked about the levee design. It’s good progress going forward with these negotiations. Matilija Dam Removal Appraisal Report - April 2000. And so, we’re in a place where we’re trying to be nimble, and CDFW continues to work on its assigned tasks, such as Parcel B, etc.”, “Another lesson learned is you need to be nimble and prepared for the unexpected. The dam was built in 1908 and the first passage facilities went in shortly after that. And then we’re going to hold about 115,000 chinook yearlings and release them at 10 fish per pound to mimic some of the life history that chinook exhibit in this system.”, Post-dam removal monitoring: They will be expanding the monitoring program from below Iron Gate up to the Oregon border, such as adding weirs and screw traps. We’re targeting to produce 75,000 coho yearlings each year – or ten fish per pound. They are looking at options for the Robles Diversion for alternatives for that water supply. Matilija Dam on the Ventura River is obsolete and was condemned more than 50 years ago. Download full Matilija Dam Removal Book or read online anytime anywhere, Available in PDF, ePub and Kindle. A planning agreement was developed which was submitted in May of 2019 to FERC that recommended they consider the partnership entity as a viable solution to taking over the license in the long-term and modifying the project, but maintaining the license itself, power production, and the water supply delivery to the Russian River. The SEIR will be used by the VCPWA – WP when considering approval of the Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration Project (Project) and by other Responsible and Trustee Agencies to support their discretionary actions related to the Project. “There’s a lot of social engineering that goes on with this project. These renewed flows necessitate a number of downstream infrastructure components that must be completed prior to dam removal, including upgrades to flood control and water supply facilities, as well as the replacement of two bridges. An aerial view of Matilija Dam and reservoir, which stakeholders are working to remove. Missouri University of Science and Technology – Missouri S&T Proposed removal. In June 2017, the VCPWA – WP received funding to implement the Matilija Dam Removal 65% Design Planning Project. In June 2017, the VCPWA – WP received funding to implement the Matilija Dam Removal 65% Design Planning Project. The official website of the Ventura County Public Works Agency. In May 2020, the relicensing parties shortly afterwards submitted their feasibility study and that did include a feasibility study of a proposal to remove Scott Dam and a hard look at Cape Horn Dam to figure out what passage alternative was feasible and provided the best recovery potential for salmonids at Cape Horn Dam. “The recreators are well unified and organized and we’re going to be working with them on post dam recreation.”, Yreka water diversion: The City of Yreka has a water diversion on the Klamath that connects to a 15 mile diversion tunnel that stretches from one of the tributaries down to Yreka. On July 16, FERC approved a co-license transfer between PacifiCorp and KRRC. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) The process of determining the focus and content of the SEIR is referred to as scoping under CEQA Guidelines Section 15083. Matilija Dam was built in 1947, driven by farmers and ranchers in the nearby Ojai Valley, who wanted it for flood control and water supply. July 15, 2011 . $5M from the state Wildlife Conservation Board will fund final design and engineering for the removal of the dam as well as downstream levees. These field studies are the first tasks in the Matilija Dam Removal 65% Planning Design Project funded by the $3.3M California Department of Fish and Wildlife Proposition 1 Grant received in May 2017 . The dam and sediment removal plans aim to restore fish passage within one year after the Matilija Dam is removed. A question was asked about the water that’s diverted from the Eel to the Russian. Matilija Creek (/ m ə ˈ t ɪ l ɪ h ɑː / mə-TIL-i-hah) is a major stream in Ventura County in the U.S. state of California.It joins with North Fork Matilija Creek to form the Ventura River. All scoping comments must be received by October 14, 2020. The text "GCPRZ0 Matilija Dam Removal" on the first line; The number of people in your group. The updated plan to remove Matilija Dam incorporates new information garnered from recent dam removal projects as well as modifications to downstream infrastructure. In 2000, Jenkin formed the Matilija Coalition to bring together the many non-governmental organizations interested in removing the dam, such as CalTrout and Friends of the River, two statewide organizations that were focused on restoring native steelhead. There are about 31 parcels ranging various sizes that total 7000 acres of ‘Parcel B’ lands currently under water. This project will develop designs to protect and restore fish habitat and coastal wetland ecosystems in the Ventura River watershed. The CAC consists of eleven members who are appointed by the Joint Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture. In the beginning of May, the Matilija Coalition got exciting news as another grant has been approved for the Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration Project. When completed, the IFRMP will provide a unified framework for planning the restoration and recovery of native fish species from the headwaters of the Klamath Basin to the Pacific Ocean while improving flows, water quality, habitat, and ecosystem processes. Aug 26, 2010 | Imported | 0 | Twitter. The time, expense, and regulatory uncertainty of providing viable and effective fish passage have propelled reservoir operators to pursue dam removal in watersheds throughout the state. So Iron Gate was built to maintain flows, and then we put a hatchery in below that to supplement fish production.”. This website was built by Chris Austin (Maven) using the Valenti theme from Theme Forest. Matilija Dam located on the Ventura River watershed is listed as one of the Top 5 California dams to remove in our latest report. implement the Matilija Dam Removal 65% Design Planning Project. They are also at the advisory table but not the application table.”, Klamath Dams removalMatilija Dam removalPotter Valley Project, The diary of an obsessive compulsive water news junkie. The dam was originally 198 feet tall with a reservoir capacity of 700,000 acre-feet. Matilija Dam was built in 1947, driven by farmers and ranchers in the nearby Ojai Valley, who wanted it for flood control and water supply. Scoping, however, is not conducted to resolve differences concerning the merits of the Project or to anticipate the ultimate decision on the proposal. Dams block access to historical spawning and rearing habitats. The Pilchuck River is a culturally and environmentally important watershed for salmon and other species. Matilija Dam made headline news in 2011 when a giant pair of scissors appeared overnight. “As it sits now, that’s due to the current bridges downstream which narrows the river channels which is one of the reasons once they expand the bridge, based on the new design, especially the Santa Ana bridge, there may be flooding impacts downstream in that area,” added Mr. Burg. In the beginning of May, the Matilija Coalition got exciting news as another grant has been approved for the Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration Project. 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