She can't walk normally, she walks all crippled and TILTED on one side. I have noticed for the last 2 months that my mouse is acting strange lagging and some times just going all over the place . He has never had a companion, he is just getting old. Lately Every time i take him out of his cage his body is going through Big shakes, But eventually stops. It is not the loneliness that is doing it. Page 1 of 2: 1: 2 : Tweet LinkBack: ... Join Date: May 2006. Ken on June 29, 2019: Humans “can in fact” also die from influenza, lol. I have a Male pet mouse, and he's been acting strange. My mice are feeder mice that were going to be sold for food, fortunately none of them seem to have problems right now (Luna seems back to normal). One of them seems to be acting acting a little weird though. My mouse is breathing heavily and is standing hunched over. They said he was about 9 weeks old at adoption. Sorry. I am really sorry but pet mice usually only live up to about the age of two. She seems to … Before I left, I did make sure to give him a full thing of water. Mouse lover on August 05, 2019: My pet mouse is walking strange and is laying down on his ear so if anyone has any advice please tell me. Like she does 360 spins like an alligator. Posts: 9 mouse acting strange. He also seem tired and when he's awake his eye's are narrowed and his ears are coked oddly, or Fanned out. Paw Talk - Pet Forums > Rodents > Mouse & Rat Discussion > mouse acting strange Reply. Hey guys, I noticed since 2 days that my pet mouse is acting EXTREMELY strange. I was out of town for the week and had my mom care for my pet mouse, Guy Fieri, while I was gone. But I do know mice are prone to getting sick, hopefully within a month or two my family will have more money. pet mouse acting weird? They also said he likes to be alone.So he’s in a 20 gallon tank by himself. I would take the mouse to an exotic vet if you plan to keep it as a pet, or to a wildlife rehabilitation specialist if you want to release it back into the wild when it is healthy (be careful with the latter though as mice are the food that they feed healing raptors). Rhianna on June 23, 2019: We are animal lovers and we adopted a cute little fancy mouse from petsmart about 4 months ago. My mouse is two in July and he stopped running around a few months ago, he doesn't use his wheel and when he is i his ball he just sits there. She also also SPINS on herself a few times while walking. I just cleaned out his cage and he's still acting weird. They will eat a wide variety of food if offered. I came back earlier today and noticed he was acting a bit weird, but didn’t pay it mind because I assumed he was napping. I got 2 female mice about two weeks ago. normaly my mouse is very energetic. Hi everybody, I was wondering if I can get some advice on my mice. ... About half an hour ago I noticed my pet mouse by herself instead of being in her hut with my … she has enough food, - Answered by a verified Veterinarian ... My new pet fancy mouse is acting weird...she is shaking and walking very carefully and slowly. I'm going to look around my area and see whats available and see what we can afford. He has always been super active . There are a lot of possible things that could be wrong with the mouse: emotional strain, illness, injury, etc. My pet fancy mouse is shaking, very cold, twitching, hunched over, and is staying in one still. His cage isn't near a vent though. Mice are omnivores (they eat plant and animal material). She seems very lethargic and rather weak. Mouse feeding guide. I have a logitech laser mouse I have the same problem with a regular mouse as well ( a cheep o from wallmart ) . - Answered by a verified Pet Specialist ... One of my mice has been acting odd recently.