If your puppy has bad breath that is not going away, mention it to your veterinarian. The smell can vary depending on the chemical in question. This smell is most commonly associated with the anal glands. And then there’s sick puppy breath, meaning the puppy has something wrong creating an abnormal odor from the mouth.. If you notice a foul metallic smell coming from your dog, it’s most likely coming from the anal glands. I've had her for about 3 weeks and got her 2 days after she was spayed. I have a 3 year old puggle who plays well but likes to bite gently, mostly on my wrists. Hiccups aren't a worry unless, like us, they go on too long. As dog owners, we sometimes get so caught up in everyday life that we put off the health of our dogs. Ever wonder: "Why does my dog smell like fish?" However, even if it doesn’t smell bad, any wound smell can be an indication of a complication in the healing process that you should contact your vet about. The vet will likely talk to you about the diet. Do Dogs See in Color or Black and White? Dogs will lick their rear ends, scoot their bottoms along the carpet, etc. Why is my dog forcing my other dog to smell her butt? Your dog’s anal glands secrete a scent distinct to them. Below, we will cover the main reason your dog has a metallic smell and what you can do to make it go away. 1 decade ago. When your dog’s stool is firm, it empties the anal gland secretions as the stool passes. He came with a health certificate and I took him to my own vet to verify that he's healthy. Though their body naturally releases the fluid from the sacs, there may be times when the glands are not emptying as they should. And hiccups are a puppy thing, they get them. Anonymous. Why is My Dog So Hyper All of a Sudden? level 1. Dogs have two glands on the inside of their rectum that secrete a material with a very distinct smell. His next visit is in a month when his next set of vaccinations are due. I recently adopted a dog from a NYC euth list. Some dogs may never experience issues with their anal glands, while others may be more predisposed to it. If your dog smells like metal, the anal glands are likely to blame. Probiotics are another option to improve your dog’s digestive health. It’s a process of elimination time. I know nothing is wrong with him because it’s always been like that, I’m just interested in why. Your dog’s anal glands secrete a scent distinct to them. Of course, your dog will also produce a strong metallic smell. ), they can get backed up. Why Does My Dog Walk Behind Me? The good news is that when put on a proper diet and exercise plan, dogs can lose weight very quickly. Some dogs may experience frequent blockages due to their anatomy and the body’s inability to naturally express the glands through passing stool. It's as simple and easy as that. plaque or tartar, or a tooth root infection), but it could also suggest some other underlying health problems, such as kidney issues. You need to figure out where the smell is coming from. If your dog's butt smells fishy you likely have an anal glands-related issue on your hands. By Lynne Miller No matter how much you love your dog, it is hard to love a dog’s stinky scent, especially if she enjoys rolling in dead animal remains or munching on excrement. If you are routinely smelling anal sac material during the day to day life, something is wrong. Very young puppies have a distinct smell to their breath, lovingly called puppy breath. , DH and I both were gaggin, we opened the door, and lit an incense stick, so the smell is gone now (Unless nose is within a foot of the couch cushion). Be sure to schedule an appointment with the vet as soon as possible. what can I do? 0 2. The expressing process is simple but delicate. As further set forth in our Terms of Service, Rover.com does not make any warranties regarding such information, and you should conduct your own diligence before relying on it. Jet had rotten teething breath, Oban didn't. Ensure that your dog is getting enough fiber in their diet. It seems to be coming from all around her, no specific area. Is it a Sign of Submission? Once the veterinarian determines what’s causing the dog’s anal gland issue, they can begin with a safe and effective treatment plan. Or Does it Give Them Anxiety? Is this normal? My dog also smells metallic, but after going outside. Inflammation can occur in the anal glands, causing difficulty in emptying their bowels. It’s a delicate matter but something all dogs share. This odor is usually caused by impacted glands, which require expression before a rupture or abscess may occur. what is best flea control? She has been on panacur for hookworms several times. Report Save. More serious eye injuries can occur if something sharp scratches the eye, like an animal claw or object. Dogs have two glands on the inside of their rectum that secrete a material with a very distinct smell. You may also fluid under the area your dog was sitting. Any time your dog has a health issue, it’s always a good idea to schedule an appointment with the vet. what can I do? This space is reserved only for answers. Hi! If you notice a metallic smell on your puppy’s breath, bleeding gums could very well be the cause of this. A garlicky smell may be a sign the dog has ingested phosphorous, found in household poisons, fireworks or matches. I have a 3 year old puggle who plays well but likes to bite gently, mostly on my wrists. A metallic smell might be bad teeth (e.g. Why does my dog have a metallic smell? If your dog smells like fish, it is usually the result of secretions from the anal glands. Some dog groomers may offer anal gland expressions as a service, but we do not recommend this. If your dog is putting off a foul smell that sticks around after a bath, something is wrong. Either is just your puppy. Whether your dog is trying a new brand of food or you’ve introduced something new into their diet, you may find your dog is allergic to it. Most people wouldn't automatically associate dog breath with a great smell, but there are many puppy owners who know and love the scent of sweet puppy breath. These glands fill with fluid that is secreted when your dog defecates. Frozen wet washcloths and dish rags will help soothe. Just this morning, I noticed that my dog (mini daschund) was licking his rear-end a lot. Trauma: Anything that irritates the eye can result in excessive tearing and eye drainage. It is a common source of odor to this area. Now this has happened once before about 6 months ago, what is it, is it a-n-a-l glands, I have never had any problems with dog a-n-a-l glands, we now have a pug, and were told we have to have his expressed, but this is from our big dog. I have a 5 month old puppy that her urine smells like metallic metal. But what do you do if your dog has a particularly bad and different odor? Are Your Dog’s Anal Glands Causing a Stink? How to stop a puppy from eating everything? One cause of anal gland blockage is chronic diarrhea. These glands fill with fluid that is secreted when your dog defecates. If dog has bad strong smell coming from its anus, then you need to master the ability to cleanse its anal glands. Oban had hiccups, Jet didn't. Excessive attention to the “rear end” is the most common sign that your dogs anal glands are blocked. How Do I Know if My Dog is Sad & Depressed? Moderator of r/puppy101, speaking officially 10 months ago. Which airlines are best to travel with a dog that must fly cargo? Kidney Disease . Some people also say that pets in kidney failure have a metallic odor to their breath. Myth Busting Time. You may see them still scooting their bottom on the floor following the expression, but this shouldn’t last long. Why is my dog forcing my other dog to smell her butt? It's unlikely there is any internal bleeding, but it would be a good idea to have your vet check the anal glands to make sure there isn't an issue with those. After cleansing procedure, it is advisable to administer pills against allergies (2-3 days), switch the diet to a healthier one for 2-3 weeks. Minor injuries that puppies experience with their teeth during teething aren’t usually something to worry about as the oral cavity is fast healing. If you’ve noticed the metallic smell shortly after switching their food, there’s a good chance your dog is allergic to their new food. If this is the case, be sure to work closely with your vet to ensure you have a plan in place for prevention. Even if I open my window and he sniffs the air for a while, he gets a metallic scent. It's recommended that glands be expressed by a pro, but can be done at home as well. If your dog’s breath has been noticeably awful lately, it could be time for a visit to He doesn't bear down, just grabs hold. 1. share. Because of this, they often get into things they shouldn’t (such as the trash). Most of us are familiar with the smell of our dog’s urine especially if they do it in the house. This smell is most commonly associated with the anal glands. My 6 mo old Boston terrier puppy occasionally has a very metallic smell about her. Pets with kidney disease suffer from the inability to eliminate waste products from the bloodstream, which build up and can create an ammonia-like odor to your dog’s breath. The expression occurs through the squeezing of the glands, similar to milking. Spay her. When a dog’s anal glands don’t empty as they should, it can cause a metallic scent. to try and help them express. Blockages cause significant discomfort for your dog and should be addressed immediately. If a dog is having trouble expressing these glands naturally (either due to soft stool, anatomy issues, etc. Photo: tobyotter There’s normal puppy breath, which has a distinct odor …. Dogs are curious and adventurous animals. Other signs of anal sac disease you might notice So how do you stop a Cocker Spaniel from smelling? When the stool is too soft, the anal glands are not able to secrete and function as they normally would. The extra weight your dog carries can cause the anal glands to be displaced, causing them to not function properly. He doesn't bear down, just grabs hold. Recently she has been emitting this metallic odor. How to correct a puppy's humping problems? By continuing this process until the fluid has completely emptied, your dog’s discomfort should lessen. DISCLAIMER: The information made available on this forum is provided by third parties and not by Rover.com. She does not have any discharge, but the odor stays on clothing or blankets if she is on them for a period of time. This could be an indication that the anal glands are slowly leaking. What could be causing this? Both to promote digestive health and aid in the prevention of anal gland issues. The desciption of a metallic smell makes me think that he could have an anal gland impaction or infection. He wasn't scooting or anything...just licking. Puppy breath is the best, but icky, rancid dog breath is the worst. This is typically due to a blockage that leads to infections. Here are the top three reasons your dog may be experiencing issues with their anal glands. Anal Glands – The Main Culprit If you notice a foul metallic smell coming from your dog, it’s most likely coming from the anal glands. She urinates a lot Test shows she is cleared from the hookworms but now issue … read more This allows the fluid to release from the duct, removing pressure in the gland. I Express my girl's glands regularly and at times I still smell a metallic smell on her breath. There is no blood, nor does she seem to be in any pain, nor does she clean herself more often when she smells like this. 2 0. There may be swelling and redness in the area, which is typically an indication of infection. My 6 mo old Boston terrier puppy occasionally has a very metallic smell about her. I recently got a miniature Australian shepherd puppy who's about 12 weeks old. They may clean the area frequently or rub their bottom across the carpet. Observing your dog’s behavior and knowing when something has changed is important for catching any problems that may occur. Could she be internally bleeding? If you’re lucky you may never have to worry about them, but if you’re not so fortunate you may become more acquainted with your dog’s anal glands than you ever dreamed. Please start posting anonymously - your entry will be published after you log in or create a new account. Puppy urine smells like metal Download Here Free HealthCareMagic App to Ask a Doctor All the information, content and live chat provided on the site is intended to be for informational purposes only, and not a substitute for professional or medical advice. [& How To Calm Him], Why Does My Dog Walk in Circles Around Me. I’d suggest you get her checked out by your veterinarian to make sure there isn’t anything more serious going on. Male and female dog urine can often smell like metal or iron if they have a kidney problem. Impacted glands may release at inappropriate times (like when your dog scoots across the carpet), and the micro-organisms in an infected anal sac can produce quite a pungent odor of their own. Blood from teething teeth can sometimes smells like that. How do I get my dog to stop eating bird seed? Is this normal? Not all are necessarily bad — some produce a scent like ammonia, and others may even smell slightly sweet, like almonds. Due to the nature of the procedure and the risk of further inflammation occurring, it’s something that’s best left to the vet. If you suspect your dog has an eye injury, be sure to bring him to the vet as soon as possible. Chronic diarrhea is a condition that needs to be addressed by your veterinarian, especially if it’s causing anal gland issues. Now that I have been sitting with him awhile this evening, I am noticing a strong metallic smell. Severe dental disease has a very characteristic odor of infected tissue with a hint of the metallic smell of blood. Does anyone have any idea how to transport a 32-lb French bulldog from NYC to LA this summer? Because it tends to permeate the air in an exam room, it immediately alerts veterinarians to at … Is this normal? Diet is a huge part of healthy digestion, and healthy digestion is a huge part in preventing issues with the anal glands. Here are the top signs your dog is having issues expressing their anal glands. Although you can express the anal glands yourself, it’s best to have a professional take care of it. Allergies in dogs are much different than allergies in humans. Answer (1 of 4): What you are likely smelling is your dogs anal gland fluid. I have noticed that anal glands smell metallic-like. 6 Reasons Your Dog Smells Bad. My puppy’s breath gets a metallic smell from the gums bleeding. 2. share. The anal glands are located just inside the anus. Just go the easy way out: spay. If your pooch’s kidney function is decreased, you’ll also likely notice an increase in thirst and urination. This can leave your dog with a foul odor, but what if they continue to smell bad after you give them a bath? They should express on their own, each time the dog defecates and the stool applies pressure to the glands. Anal glands (there is one on the left and one on the right) are small pockets on the inside of your dog's anus that contain a foul smelling (often smells metalic or fishy) liquid that usually comes out with every bowel movement. How to stop a puppy from eating everything? Breath that smells like strong urine. Though there are ways you can express your dog’s anal glands at home, it’s much safer to have this procedure completed by your vet. My dog had his teeth cleaned and is now nauseous. I'm not sure if he is. However, I have noticed he has a weirdly metallic smell on his breath. Dogs that are obese tend to naturally have more anal gland issues. Minor irritants or allergens may cause a dog to rub at his eyes, furthering the irritation and inflammation. Discuss with your vet a plan to prevent anal gland issues in the future. Often owners do not recognize it or fail to locate the smell if they do. The sooner you identify the problem, the sooner you can get your dog to the veterinarian. Which airlines are best to travel with a dog that must fly cargo? This is a marking mechanism and is specific to each dog. Although the vet can express the anal glands to provide relief for your dog, this shouldn’t be a regular thing. The scent of urine in a dog’s breath may indicate kidney disease. How To Know If Your Dog Loves You [16 Signs That Prove Their Love]. And if you're planning to breed her, good luck with that metallic scent that you obviously can't stand. Allergy symptoms can present in the form of a rash or inflammation in the dog’s body. If you would like to engage in a discussion, please instead post a comment under the question or an answer that you would like to discuss. Is there something else I need to do? It’s not uncommon for dogs to smell like metal, and the smell typically DOES NOT go away after bathing. There is no blood, nor does she seem to be in any pain, nor does she clean herself more often when she smells like this. If there is an infection, or the glands are full and small amounts are leaking, it can cause the odor, plus the licking and scooting. The metallic smell in the pee could be blood that’s getting passed through them, which in turn could be the result of an internal injury, possibly kidneys. It's been on and off throughout the day. It has nothing to do with his anal glands either. Here's why some people adore the smell of puppy breath and how to maintain it as long as possible. All dogs smell, there’s no getting away from it but most dogs have what you would describe as a typical ‘dog’ smell. It seems to be coming from all around her, no specific area. Report Save. Original Poster 10 months ago. Do Dogs Like Hugs? level 2. If your dog is more susceptible to blockages, work with your veterinarian to address the root cause of the issue. They should express on their own, each time the dog defecates and the stool applies pressure to the glands. Better than the rotten meat smell my one teething puppy had. Take her to the Vet. A strong garlic smell, especially if accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. This is a marking mechanism and is specific to each dog. What could be causing this?