Here I do not agree. The Product Owner may do the above work, or have the Development Team do it. I just tried your quiz. C. is good because the bigger part of interaction with the Key Stakeholders happens at the Sprint Review meeting. You are right the Dev Team tracks work remaining for the Sprint. I would choose A, B and C. A) Looks good except that the PO is responsible for Key Stakeholder engagement. So, the start date can be different. However, the Product Owner remains accountable. Who does the work of updating and managing the Product Backlog is a collaboration between the Product Owner and the Development Team. It is not the ScrumMaster’s role to provide answers to things that did not go well, but rather to help t… I feel the follwing questions / answers as being contradictionary (because in Scrum the development team or the development organisation is responsible for the DoD): I took one of the sample quizzes and have some comments on a couple of questions. D. Only at the end of the last sprint. If there are multiple Scrum Teams working on the system or product release, the development teams on all of the Scrum Teams must mutually define the definition of “Done.”, Maybe its just a different imaginations about what non-functional means. Writing clear user stories is important, but the Product Backlog also contains many other things like features, functions, requirements, enhancements, etc. What is enough to start a first Sprint? So, “Undone” Increment is nonsense. So, certainly the PO is responsible for this. b. is wrong because the Scrum Guide says: “Only the Development Team can change its Sprint Backlog during a Sprint.” Considering this, which topics should be discussed in the sprint review? * Product Marketplace Which side of a 3 prong plug is positive? Q: Who participates in the Sprint Reviews? Why is it so? The Scrum Guide says “The Increment is the sum of all the Product Backlog items completed during a Sprint and the value of the increments of all previous Sprints. So, the answer is not a simple “yes/no”. Indirectly many people participate in increment creation. A typo above. Incorrect As usually, there is no need to wait for a formal event to inspect and adapt. I’m actually preparing myself for passing the Scrum exam and just did your PSPO 1 in learning mode. B) The rules of Organization Can the PO measure success by team velocity? So, every Increment will be validated against these requirements. If you choose something too esoteric(like the color of Napoleon's socks or what Albert Einstein ate for breakfast), you probably aren't going to find a lot of detailed information about it. What is the time box for the sprint review? The Product Owner compares this amount with work remaining at previous Sprint Reviews to assess progress toward completing projected work by the desired time for the goal.”. A sprint is a specific amount of days for a team to work at a sustainable pace to finish select work. 1. Mikhail: Of course, the team can proceed. Mikhail: Motivation, which leads to an enhanced performance level of the team. Appreciate your stuffs. The Product Owner is the sole person responsible for managing the Product Backlog… The Product Owner may do the above work, or have the Development Team do it. Q2) A done Increment is valuable if: (Choose 2 answers) If yes, it looks like a quiz engine bug. The Daily Scrum, Correct Then the PO will communicate with the Stakeholders, resolve it and communicate solution back to the team. I think it should be “Sprint” instead of “Spring”. a. is correct because the Sprint scope can be re-negotiated if the Sprint Goal and quality are out of danger (see a quote from the Scrum Guide below). My best options are below: For teams that are new to sprint reviews, there’s a strong temptation to bleed sprint review into the retrospective. There is no direct requirement in the Scrum Guide for a formal approval of the DoD by the PO. Note, “Right as per test” are written by the post author. However, I have some questions regarding these questions. So, there are two meetings when people outside of the Scrum Team can come and speak. Although I selected True, I had to ponder over this one for over a minute since sprint goal is formed during the “Sprint Planning” . Will be viewing this whenever any doubts. Using the word “attend” here looks like a little inconsistency between the Scrum Guide and the questions. * Ensuring that the Product Backlog is visible, transparent, and clear to all, and shows what the Scrum Team will work on next; At the Sprint Review: Q6) What does it mean for a Development Team to be cross-functional? However, only the Dev Team knows how to implement Sprint Backlog Items. Would this be considered reasonable scrum practice? Non-functional requirements describe qualities of the Product being developed. However, only the top items for one or two next Sprints should be refined enough (be in “ready” state). So, in the case of any contradiction, the issue must be explained to the PO as soon as possible. So, it is an ongoing process. Product ownership is not a committee. For this question, as you have commented, the correct answer in the real test will be A & B? Will be viewing this again and referring it whenever any doubts. Sales Executive or Sales Leader (specific interest in and knowledge of the Product) I have took exam the second time and only pass 80%, I am trying the last round to get cert, and I am review my the questions I have done, some question is the same in your blog, but some is not…. It might seem a little unnecessary, but it’s good to get verbal commitments from everyone in the room, explaining what they’re doing, why, and the goal. During the Sprint Review, the Scrum Team and stakeholders collaborate about what was done in the Sprint. What is ironic about the discussion after the Mrunas? What should the SM answer? Correct Answer for the Question – Which topics should be discussed in the Sprint Review? Likewise, within a sprint, only certain accessibility tasks may be targeted. C) Importance of regular feedback from the stakeholders * The entire group collaborates on what to do next, so that the Sprint Review provides valuable input to subsequent Sprint Planning; The Product Owner is the Lead Facilitator of Key Stakeholder Involvement. “Only the Development Team can change its Sprint Backlog during a Sprint. Creation of a PBI relates to PB management. So, “an exhaustive list of upfront approved requirements” could be also valid. 55. C) Every item has a designated owner. So, D. option would be great for the Sprint Retrospective meeting, but it is wrong for this question.