Seeing his liege lord in trouble, Wiglaf, unlike Beowulf's other companions, rushes in to help. Beowulf goes to fight Grendel to help the people of Herot, but more importantly to gain glory for himself. 32. When Beowulf fight the dragon, he tell his men that he want to battle the dragon alone.… What do Beowulf’s followers do when they realize he’s losing? But this fight, like the last one, is really for Beowulf. What does he do? He shouts out a challenge and the dragon, recognizing a human voice, bursts forward, breathing fire. 17. What do Beowulf ’s followers do when they realize he’s losing? For the glory of winning. They run away. 31. Time Period of Beowulf:. Beowulf and his warriors come to fight the dragon, but Beowulf tells his men that he will fight the dragon alone and that they should wait on the barrow. What does he do? He alone is brave enough to dive into the strange waters and continue the hunt for Grendel’s Mother. There is a crazy battle scene, Beowulf trying to use his shield, the dragon writhing around and trying to burn him to a crisp. 10. Before Beowulf fights the Dragon what does he sense? The ancient treasures in the hoard once belonged to a regional tribe of warriors; almost the entire tribe was killed in battle some 300 years previously. He intends to fight the beast with his bare hands, and he does, and wins by doing so. This quality alone is exceptional enough to make Beowulf a hero. Losing his shield to the dragon's flames, Wiglaf hides behind Beowulf's, and they renew the attack. The dragon lands a bite on Beowulf’s neck, and blood begins to flow. 34. How is Beowulf killed? Why does Beowulf decide to fight the dragon alone? Many critics believe that Beowulf's strength is what defines him as a hero in the fight with the Dragon. Though he commands skilled soldiers, the proud king thinks he can and should take on the dragon alone… Explore our homework questions and answer library Search. Why is Beowulf going to fight the Dragon? When does Beowulf realize he's losing the battle with the dragon? It is more likely that Beowulf wants to fight the dragon alone in order to get fame from his victory. What do you think Beowulf was thinking about in his dying moments? Learn more about does topic:. Beowulf shows loyalty when he saves Hrothgar’s country and his people. The dragon is the final test for Beowulf, a test of his wisdom as well as his courage. c. Beowulf is too old to fight any more on his own. The Beowulf dragon is described with Old English terms such as draca (dragon), and wyrm (reptile, or serpent), and as a creature with a venomous bite. Why does Wiglaf tell his comrades they should help Beowulf fight the dragon? By the end of the story, this is in great contrast to his last battle, in which he fights in search of treasure instead of fame and honor. Reply. Why does Beowulf want to fight the dragon alone? Wiglaf makes a speech about Beowulf, saying that "when one man follows his own will / many are hurt" (3077-8). His impending death. 9. Beowulf Fighting and Dragon:. Beowulf's strength was not enough to kill the Dragon. How is the dragon killed? In his fight with the dragon, Beowulfs actions dwell the hands of fate, the ultimate demand of the Heroic Code. Why does Beowulf want to fight the dragon alone? This quality alone is exceptional enough to make Beowulf a …show more content… Beowulf’s strength was not enough to kill the Dragon. How is the dragon killed? Why would Beowulf take 11 men to fight the dragon if he intended to fight it alone? The Canterbury Tales Describe Guide. In desperation Beowulf pulls a knife from his belt and stabs it deep into the dragon’s flank. dragon? What happens to Beowulf's shield while fighting the dragon? How is Beowulf killed? What does Wiglaf do? What does he do? 14.Why does Beowulf want to fight the dragon alone? This happened to the Geats, because nothing they could say would induce Beowulf to leave the dragon alone; he insisted on fighting it and meeting his destined end at the barrow. Wiglaf stays because he remembers all of the things Beowulf had done for them. What happens to the warriors who promised to support Beowulf in battle? Whereas the dragon acts out of pure revenge, Beowulf seeks out the duel with the dragon so as to satisfy his destiny. Brooke Benschoter August 29, 2012 at 6:56 PM. Beowulf initially intends to fight the dragon alone, but his plan does not go well. b. d. They can share Beowulf’s fame if they kill the dragon. Ask a question Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. Wiglaf rushes to Beowulf’s aid, stabbing the dragon in the belly, and the dragon scorches Wiglaf’s hand. When Beowulf slowly begins to lose the battle, every soldier ran to the woods to hide except for Beowulf. Together they can win and get the dragon’s gold. The dragon’s appearance, and in the foreshadowing of the future. 12. Reply Delete. 7. Beowulf’s courage and selflessness was what ultimately defeated the Dragon. That alone is enough to make Beowulf’s fight against the Fire Dragon feel oddly disjointed from the rest of the epic. He came from a cave near the moors and he attacks the Geats because of a slave who took the golden cup. Beowulf’s men (except for one) flee when the dragon breathes fire. Beowulf wants to fight Grendel in order to win treasure and, more importantly, fame (which he calls a warrior’s “best bulwark” [l.1389]). 33. Is this foolhardy? 1) Why does Beowulf want to fight Grendel? If Beowulf took 11 of his best men, who were suppose to love, honor and cherish the Anglo-Saxon code, why did they flee? Homework a question Ask a question. There’s more symbolism in this fight than in the others. When the dragon sees that the cup has been stolen, it leaves its cave in a rage, burning everything in sight. Beowulf is an epic poem that tells the story of a hero on a journey for fame in fifth century Sweden and Denmark. … What do Beowulf’s followers do when they realize he’s losing? How do Beowulf men react to the sight of the dragon gaining victory over Beowulf? Replies. The problem starts when a fugitive, apparently a runaway slave, stumbles across the dragon's treasure-trove. Beowulf kills both Grendel and Grendel's mom, the latter with a paranormal sword. a. He was the only one to “display his inborn bravery and strength” for Beowulf (2696). Lines 2345-2353: Beowulf has no fear of the fire-breathing dragon. Asked by john b #274187 on 10/10/2012 10:08 PM Last updated by jill d #170087 on 10/10/2012 10:13 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. In Anglo-Saxon culture, a warrior is remembered because of the brave deeds they do. What weapons does Beowulf use to kill Grendel? He feels no fear and remembers he fought Grendel alone and won. b. This final fight in Beowulf feels worlds away from the earlier two, not least because the storylines are separated by more than fifty years and take place in different kingdoms across the sea from one another. What does Beowulf do when he realizes he’s losing the battle with the dragon?