So I really didn't realize how tiny fish stomachs are and that first day (Sun, the day I got them) I can say I overfed them because they didn't eat the pellets so I gave them flakes. A constipated fish will quickly stop eating, and that’s typically the first sign that your betta is constipated. Betta fish have a small stomach – the size of their eye – and a very short digestive tract. The symptoms of a constipated betta fish are an enlarged, swollen stomach and little fish waste appears in the tank. Constipation is the most common cause of bloating in Bettas.Swim bladder disease is the next most common disease, and after that is dropsy. If you happen to overfeed your Betta fish, any of these issues may arise: Constipation and Bloating. Constipation may also be a symptom of certain aquarium fish diseases like Hexamita infections – this condition commonly afflicts cichlids and it affects the bodies of infected fish in such a way that they are unable to expel feces. Constipation is an extremely common condition. Less Waste: If your betta is constipated, he won’t be able to pass feces. In severe cases the bloating associated with constipation can put pressure on the internal system that controls the betta’s swim bladder leading to the appropriately named “ Swim Bladder Disorder ” or SBD. Flake foods or freeze-dried foods. Preventing Constipation Luckily, for constipation and swim bladder disease, the treatments are simple, and your Betta will recover quickly. Both of these expand in the fish's stomach and cause constipation. Certain foods can cause constipation. Is my Betta Constipated? Treatment of betta fish constipation requires no medication but a simple diet change and fasting. Since Betta fish will continue eating even after they’re full, they’re at an increased risk of constipation. A betta's stomach is … I'm a new fish mom to four Betta girls lol. Finally bought new life spectrum for bettas and the problem disappeared. Things I've Learned about Betta Fish … To cure betta constipation, do not feed the fish for one to two days. The main cause of constipation and indigestion in aquarium fish, however, is simple – a lack of dietary fiber. Pellets should be soaked for about a minute before feeding so they expand before being ingested. Fish do get constipated! It can also be caused by an improper diet, some manufactured fish foods, or overfeeding. The genus betta contains over 73 species of this fish, but the Betta Splendens or Siamese fighting fish is the most common of them all. Unsoaked pellets. Constipation can and will kill your fish if the blockage is not addressed. I have a Betta fish in a 3 gallon tank with a filter, how often should I change the water? Causes of Constipation. I had a betta that kept getting constipated..3 days at a time. So, Spartacus the betta fish has been constipated for about a week and a half. Constipation causes the digestive tract to become enlarged and press on the swim bladder. Like every other freshwater fish, betas also face health, physical, and emotional complications which part of it is dropsy and constipation. I did the pea thing and it worked, but then I did more research on the best foods for bettas. It is a problem especially for laterally compressed fish and some fish species seem more prone to it, such as Goldfish and Bettas. Bloodworms for example should be fed sparingly. The Water Inside a Betta Cup. My black moor goldfish is lying on the bottom of the tank and has a white eye. However, bettas don’t produce a lot of waste, so it can be difficult to tell if your fish is pooping normally! Obviously, when your betta is constipated he won’t be passing food so a lack of defecation is another sign to look for. Constipated Betta fish? It started the day before I had to go out of town (of course)...I gave him a thawed, shelled, smooshed pea, which he tore right into, and left my dad instructions not to feed him for at least 3 days after he had a poop, and to offer another pea once a day if no poop. HI everyone! Is my betta fish fat or is he constipated? Overfeeding.