My advice would be to find someone (preferably a group of people) to run with, since weirdos are much less likely to approach a group of people, [–]TravisA58 1 point2 points3 points 3 months ago (0 children). I've had a few creeps and having big dogs does make a diff. ), [–]user_name_unknown 62 points63 points64 points 3 months ago (9 children). If they're the ones you have to touch someone with, it'll hurt them, but not that bad. (3) - No self-promotion (including links to personal blogs, social media, Youtube channel, etc. [–]Aubdasi 7 points8 points9 points 3 months ago (3 children). Although hits to the face and head can be bad, it is a lot harder to knock a person out than you'd think it would be. Carry mace. She used to keep a gun on her. Creeps like easy targets, so make yourself look tough - I got a GSD, I carry bright pink mace. I should add too, in some places using wasp spray inconsistently with its intended use will be lighter consequences than macing someone, so read up on weapon selection if you care about legal risk! Just buy a POM spray from Amazon and keep it in your waistband or on your shirt. I am extremely lucky to be a 6 ft tall butch chick. © 2021 reddit inc. All rights reserved. It makes me so cross to read about. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. [–]munkie15 3 points4 points5 points 3 months ago (1 child). I will definitely have to see what goes on there. Just reading this thread makes me so angry. Also, unlike a gun, if you end up using it on someone who was just trying to ask for directions or something, you won’t kill him. I know you said it's illegal. Ugh...its awful. The moderation team reserves the right to remove content or restrict user posting privileges as necessary. [–]Shawoowoo 1 point2 points3 points 3 months ago (0 children). Considering the gun crime statistics in the US, I'm not sure this plays out well in practice. Safe Alarm Review 2020 - Best Personal Safety Alarm. [–]Norsegod26 8 points9 points10 points 3 months ago (6 children). alkuperäinen. I hope you can find ways to continue to enjoy running. If I go over that time, he usually calls or texts me for an update. Before I run, I tell my husband to remember what I am wearing and give him an estimate time of when I will be done. I want to take a self-defense course to be extra prepared. For example, around the local college because there is always vehicle and walking traffic. As an aside... Take a female self defense class. [–]beginneratall 4 points5 points6 points 3 months ago (1 child). That was assault. This! Know your safety points, like if you were being followed what stores are open? In the meantime, I like my personal alarm (a keyring that, when pulled, emits a painfully loud sound that won't stop until the pin is reinserted). If you have the discipline, maybe taking up jujitsu will open your eyes to the reality of why pepper spray or a gun are the o ly viable real alternatives. I’m sorry, this sucks. I hope I have a reputation for going psycho on guys who bother me. Hope this helps! [–]brilliant_beast 5 points6 points7 points 3 months ago* (0 children), This is what I would recommend. (6) - Displaying detailed personal information of anyone other than yourself is prohibited. This post just made me massively depressed. I do a lot more rowing machine these days and when I run I go out with my ridiculously large dog (Irish wolfhound, she's a great running buddy) but the fact that we have to be so on top of safety is crazy. Where do you put it? We suggest taking note of Rule 2 and Rule 7, since these are the most commonly broken which will result in a thread being removed. This is our shirley ending explained reddit page. [–]-saraelizabeth- 1 point2 points3 points 3 months ago (1 child). I was attacked (not running, it was indoors and I was cornered and he was trying to pin me down) and my instinct told me to do it. Also I always make sure to keep my music or audio low in my headphones so I can hear everything around me, and I never run in darkness. [–]Hefty-Bus 2 points3 points4 points 3 months ago* (3 children). I leave one-star reviews for the company on every site until they apologise. The Best Golf GPS Watches for 2019: Buying Guide Review With advancement in technology, golf gps watches and activity tracking devices like the Apple Watch are affordable for golfers to use in their everyday lives. If mace is illegal, try wearing a neon whistle around your neck or even wearing a gun holster (hopefully the creeps don’t get close enough to see if it’s empty or not), [–]furiousjellybean 70 points71 points72 points 3 months ago (4 children). [–]loveveggie 6 points7 points8 points 3 months ago (0 children). We rescued a 3 yr old whose owner had gotten too ill to care for her. Next time someone tries to talk to me while I'm running I'll say "Sorry There are Zombies" Would love to see their reaction! I’m going to buy a whistle but not going to risk with pepper spray or knife. Some guns are small enough to run with. Tumans Chicago. Wearing certain things doesn’t make you “ask for it” and putting stuff like your comment out there is part of what perpetuates the behaviour. Are there other people around to help me? Mine is pretty leash reactive which actually works out nicely on runs or even walks because he keeps the creeps at bay. and the subreddit's Posting Procedures [post flair, using Daily/Weekly Threads]. Running with other people totally kills my vibe and the release running gives without them. Visit all of our recurring threads. As others have mentioned, self defence is great but again, only going to take you so far with someone stronger than you. Thank you all for so many good ideas! Like the downtown of your city or whatever. had this. If they enter your personal space, advance on you and will not back off, Go low and squeeze/twist hard while protecting your temples/head/nose/face as best you can, even if you’re on the ground. If you are comfortable doing so, you could file a police report describing what occurred and provide a physical description of the person and the location of the incident. I'm a female runner as well, and even being as safe as possible these things happen. [–]beanpug 18 points19 points20 points 3 months ago (0 children), [–]uzes_lightning 9 points10 points11 points 3 months ago (6 children). Mine can run like 7 miles if the weather's right. I found your review very interesting and very informative, and in rather stark contrast to Rocky Robello’s review (separate SWLing post) and to a review posted by Jay Allen (11.27.2017). Two different men, both running after me. Sure it might scare someone off, or they might just chance it and continue forcing you into their car. After first full discharge of battery i can give my first impressions "mini-review" of redmi go. Don’t fall into politeness mode, when approached give one “I’m not interested”, if he persists tell him to fuck off.